The Dome

Warrambui’s unique and memorable circular building contains a dining room, dormitories and a large meeting area. Having everyone under the one roof provides a sense of community and enables ease of supervision for your group. All rooms have air conditioning and heating, and the Dome has undergone significant renovations and improvements in 2022. The minimum number for a group booking in the Dome is 35 people.

Explore the Dome now with the Warrambui Virtual Tour!


The Centrum is a large sunken meeting area measuring over 11 metres in diameter. It provides a unique focus point for meetings, presentations, discussions, watching movies and activities.


Six dormitories fan off from the Centrum and accommodate up to 13 guests each, plus one multi-purpose room with 3 bunks (6 beds). A one-bed leader’s room and bathroom is also located in The Dome, making a total of 85 beds.



The dining area is part of the outer rim of the Dome and has views looking out over the nearby countryside. Tables comfortably seat guests for meals, craft activities or group work. Up to 100 diners can be seated at the dining area with a total capacity of 200+ diners through the Dome venue.


The Cube is adjacent to The Dome and provides Teacher and Leader Accommodation. There are four rooms of two beds and one room with three beds. Two lounge rooms provide space to relax and tea and coffee facilities.


Please note: Access for the disabled is available for both The Dome and The Cube. Please contact Warrambui for more information.