About Us
Warrambui is a centre of ministry and support to the NSW Lutheran Church. Purchased in 1969 with money the Lutheran Youth of NSW raised themselves, the first camp was held on the120 hectare property in January 1970. more >
Retreat Hut
Pastors, lay workers and those involved in ministry are able to set time aside in our Retreat Hut. Located in a quiet corner of our property the Retreat Hut provides peace and tranquility for guests in comfort. more >
Internship Program
Warrambui was the first Lutheran Church campsite in Australia to establish an intern program in 1992. Since then, over 100 young people have come here to serve… more >
Turning Point Ministries
Turning Point Ministries (TPM) is the child, youth and family ministry of the NSW Lutheran Church. The NSW Lutheran Church has a long history of youth camps and the facilities at Warrambui grew out of this ministry. more >